TCRCure Biopharma Ltd. aims to develop next generation cancer immunotherapies that control tumor progression, convert cancers to manageable chronic diseases, and eventually lead to a cure.
TCRCure Biopharma is a pioneering biopharmaceutical company committed to advancing tumor immunotherapy technologies, with a strong focus on engineered T-cell therapies.
Founded in 2016, TCRCure has collaborated with many well-known hospitals worldwide to conduct extensive clinical translational research and groundbreaking trials. Notably, our pioneering TCR-T therapy for advanced recurrent solid tumors marks a global first in applying TCR-T cells augmented with anti-PD-1 antibodies for this type of disease.
Dedicated to bridging the gap between innovative research and swift clinical application, TCRCure has established cutting-edge R&D centers and manufacturing facilities that adhere to cGMP standards. Strategically located in Los Angeles, USA, and Guangzhou, China, these facilities not only expedite the drug development but also reinforce our standing in the field of gene and cell therapy.
At TCRCure, we take pride in our collaborative team of elite scientists from the US and China, supported by seasoned industry professionals. Together, we are committed to driving technological advancements and developing next-generation treatments, thereby revolutionizing patient care in the realm of tumor immunotherapy.